Bengal School of Technology and Management (BSTM) is a noble initiative of Supreme Educational Development & Charitable Organisation (SEDCO) founded to produce professionals of the finest calibre capable of meeting the difficulties of the country's ever-changing industrial needs. The Institute is a sister institution of Bengal School of Technology, a leading Pharmacy College in the state, and is affiliated with Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (formerly known as WBUT). Both institutes have left their imprints on the educational landscape of the state since their inception.
Because of its commitment to maintain quality in professional courses and excellent track record, the Institute is regarded as one of the best IT, Hospitality and Management colleges in West Bengal, and it has received tremendous support and confidence from all parties involved, including its students and guardians. The Institute takes pride in the quality of its teaching members and varied facilities, as well as its ongoing efforts to improve services to meet the needs of modern educational institutions and enterprises.
In addition to imparting high standards of knowledge and skill, a major emphasis is placed on instilling a culture rooted in values, ethics, mutual respect, personal maturity and integrity, teamwork, and social concern among the faculty, managerial and ground staff, and student community, resulting in students who are technologically superior and ethically strong
To become one of the best management colleges in India by preparing future business leaders with knowledge, skills, societal values, and sensitivity to tackle life's difficulties in both academic and professional fields.
Each and every student of the Institute must abide by the rules and orders issued from time to time. Any student violating the said rules and orders shall be liable to disciplinary action, which may be lead to expulsion from the Institute. Moreover, if any property of the Institute is damaged due to any student’s strike demonstration etc.
The cost of the same shall be recovered from the Students directly or indirectly involved in such incident or collectively from the students as per the discretion of the authority. “Ragging in any form on any student whether inside or outside the college campus is strictly prohibited according to West Bengal prohibition of ragging in Educational Institute Act–2000. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him from the institution.” Ragging is prohibited as per the decision of the Supreme Court of India in Writ petition no.(C656/1998”) The students must follow the prescribed dress code of the Institute. Besides forming the Anti-Ragging committee/Squads, the Institute has constituted the grievance redressal Committee, Tasks Force for ensuring security Female Students as well as formulated its policy on prevention of sexual harassment in work place.